Thursday, June 7, 2007

Metaversed - A Final Comment

A couple of weeks ago I posted a comment over on Metaversed, a somewhat recent addition to the virtual world blog crop. The post, by Onder Skall, was rather poorly informed (Linked below). Onder didn't appreciate my pointing out that he was wrong in his assertions.

I'm not sure why*, but since then s/he has volunteered opinions about me based - it seems - on this extraordinarily short exchange.

Today I came across a similarly poor blog entry (Link) and, as my name was dropped in an impolite way, decided to respond. As I expect such comments will either be censored or manipulated, I'm documenting it here:


"The thing about Prokofy Neva is that he's both brilliant and completely unafraid to criticize."

And an excellent example of this brilliance would be this classic quote:

"A statement I believe to be true *is* a fact until it is *disproven*."


"There are those who have delighted in goading Prokofy to get him banned from various places (I'm looking in your direction Csven and Christiano 'n co.)."

Let's set the record straight since you're making the same amateurish mistake you made previously (Why I Hate "Virtual Thirst" - Link)

This started a couple of weeks ago on Clickable Culture as I recounted on Terra Nova:

First, I agreed with Prokofy's comments on Clickable Culture. Then I volunteered that if we can't get our real life laws - even within the U.S. - to align, then an international service like Second Life was going to "be a mess".

I cited the common example of the disparity between the voting age, the age when a person can sign up for military service (without parental consent), and the age when a person can *purchase* alcohol (as opposed to *consuming* it, which varies from state-to-state).

Prokofy ignored the point and instead jumped on the thought that the Feds could be regulating a state's "drinking age"; calling me "nuts" to suggest that the Feds could exert their will on the states in this way. I pointed out that there was a National Drinking Age Act and that it did "effectively" force the states into compliance. I also emphasized that I used the word "purchased" in acknowledgment that the Federal law does *not* set an age for *consumption*.

As most of you can imagine, Prokofy argued non-stop; unwilling to concede she'd made a minor mistake. I decided not to give in to the bullying she's used on many other forums and for which she's been more than once banned.
Since you are obviously unaware, we were both banned from a blog we both commented on for years.

Meanwhile, Prokofy launched into a series of arguably libelous attacks that either were entirely about me or included me:

May 30: on her blog - "Breaking Clickable Culture"

Jun 01: Second Life Herald - "Fear and Loathing in Second Life: The New Sex and Violence Policy"

Jun 02: on her blog again - "You will probably be in jail for the next 3 to 6 years"

Jun 02: and yet obsessively again on her blog - "Uncultured Clickability"

Jun 03: and then because she couldn't stop foaming at the mouth, on Terra Nova - "Prokofy Neva's comment"

and although I announced to everyone that I was leaving the debate on the Second Life Herald, she continued to throw my name around, and continues even now to continue ranting on Terra Nova... where I earlier asked that we both be temporarily banned so as not to drag that community and its blog down into the mud where Prokofy operates. No doubt she's goading me into replying in hopes that we do get banned so she can play the sympathy card with people like you.

And let's be clear, I've only used Prokofy's real name on a couple of occasions; a name which she herself freely allows to be printed in the mainstream press (whose attention she pursues) while others remain anonymous and identified only by their SL names.

Meanwhile, she goes digging deep into my personal life in order to make this kind of sickening insinuation:
If csven is finding that one of the ways he can conceal and rationalize and justify his curious indulgence of simulated child molestation is by trying to zealousl go after RL porn purveyors, um, I suggest he's a poor candidate for this social task, given...his indulgence of the virtual and his disbelief in its connection to the real.

A man who desires to indulge in the simulated may become overzealous about prosecuting the real, so it seems. It seems a common tactic used by pedophiles, turning the tables, arguing against opponents by accusing them of the same offense, and so on. All pretty despicable.

I often find that people who have no RL children become the most zealous and accusatory about matters involving children, in ways that are really suspect and odd. - Second Life Herald comment

Care to explain to me how she knows I have no children? You won't find that on my blog. Or on the portfolio sites to which I link. Or on my LinkedIn profile. Or documented anywhere inside Second Life since the time I registered.

No. She had to go digging deep for something to use. And when all she found was that, she did her very best to spread her slime on it.

Is this... thing... what you consider a "brilliant" individual worthy of respect? someone who admits to being witness to real child pornography in Second Life - who admitted to doing nothing and claiming she merely "forgot" about it all?

Wow. I don't believe I've ever seen standards so amazingly low as to endorse someone who admits to apathy in the face of real child pornography.

Given the above unprovoked attacks initiated by her on Clickable Culture and my own lack of blog posts attacking her, you make yourself look badly uninformed to the actual circumstances... again.

You do a disservice to the Metaversed blog and I can see it's obviously no longer worth reading if it allows your participation.

Feel free to respond, Onder; I won't bother to reply here again. I only hope 57 Miles has the good sense to demand better than this in the future.


* I know why now. Catherine / Prokofy went to bat for Caleb / Onder in a spat with Dan Hunter over on Terra Nova.


Anonymous said...

Comments are never messed with. If you want to challenge any of the Metaversed authors, i'd welcome and encourage you, not censor you.



csven said...

And I did.